About Me

Proud WAHM (work-at-home mom), family woman, a bookworm, a relentless learner, self-confessed coffee addict, a spiritual person, and a firm believer that life is short, therefore, it must be lived to the fullest every single day.

Morning Musings - Staying Postive

I was in a really bright mood this morning.

My little girl's feeling better, slight fever's gone, hubby's starting work on the day shift after 8 years of being on graveyard shift, and I am finally rid of my insomnia, got new assignments from a client...so yeah, my day was pretty much starting out nicely.

Well until I talked to someone on the phone (a relative) who's not in such a gleeful mood. I hate it when it happens.

I always try to start my day with a smile and positive thoughts - helps me face the many challenges, issues, and stress I encounter throughout the day. But I think it's inevitable, that no matter how I try to steer clear of negativity, it finds its way to me from a variety of avenues.

First, there's Facebook. 

I'm logged on to the site most of the day, and about 75% of the time I get the day's dose of nega vibes off it. Some are pretty ok, people complaining about the day's 'down moments' - which is perfectly fine, as we all have those every now and then. But what I simply cannot tolerate - is the parinigs and all-out BS.

Though they may not be directed at me, reading them gets to my nerves. I don't know, ever since I worked online and had no officemates, my tolerance for these things have been on a low. Maybe because I know that it doesn't necessarily have to be part of everyday life (like it is for some people), that one can survive a day (and more!) without it.

And somehow, even though I'm guilty of it at times, I don't think it's right to air your 'dirty laundry' online. If you're fighting with someone, then keep it off social networking sites simply because it 'spreads' the negative energy to people who read it. And besides, it won't 'solve' anything, or make you the better person. It actually  just opens up a bigger can of worms.

I understand that a Facebook wall may be a great sounding board, a way to let people know you're going through something good (or bad), but I hope people are more 'thoughtful' of the things they post. But of course, there's freedom of speech, so if you want to cuss like crazy on your wall, or make it known that your the head b**ch, then go ahead. Be ready for others' opinion of you though, they won't always be sweet. :) What you post on your wall reflects the personality that you want other people to know about - so think twice  before you click.

Second, there's the daily news. 

News channels are great sources of information. That is until they start showing the day's happenings that are related to politics... Ahhhh, it's most of the time just plain ol' dirty politicking. Nakakainis! As if the country doesn't have enough pressing concerns to deal with, our dear government officials actually exert time and effort to meddle with concerns that can be dealt with by just a specific department (Gloria Arroyo's health for one.).

I know there are government officials out there who are doing their jobs, who are actually trying to make a difference by doing good...why don't we put them on the news? Don't they rightfully deserve airtime too? Or...is that just too boring? If it is, I'd rather be bored to death.

Third, there's the up close and personal bad trip encounters. 

Most of the day, I just stay at home with my family, and spend most of it with my daughter. My little girl may be a restless toddler whose everyday aim is to discover the world, and she may get makulit and restless, but she's never a source of negative energy. I couldn't say the same about the rest of the world though.

When we go out to the mall or eat at a resto, I hate it when I encounter staff who greet you with a sour face and answer back with a not-so-nice tone. Though of course I understand they're also human and may be having a really long day, there are times that the frown transforms to an ugly attitude - and that's when I let them know. I can't resist the urge to ask 'Ate/Kuya may problema ba tayo?' whenever you deal with them nicely and they answer back with a defying and angry tone. I know some customers can be difficult, but I tell you, working in that industry has taught me that being snarky yourself, will not make them nicer. :)  Be firm, explain in a calm tone, and don't forget to end it with a genuine smile - no angry customer who's blowing off steam will not soften up to a staff/customer service personnel who knows how to handle stress with a smile.

Haaaay...inasmuch as I want to keep the positive energy going around me, I think having some nega vibe around me is just inevitable. But still, I will work hard to ensure that I end the day the way I started it - with a smile and positive thoughts. :)

Like they say, all's well that ends well.

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