About Me

Proud WAHM (work-at-home mom), family woman, a bookworm, a relentless learner, self-confessed coffee addict, a spiritual person, and a firm believer that life is short, therefore, it must be lived to the fullest every single day.

When I think of Halloween

My mom said that observing Halloween traditions is very un-Christian, because it's based on pagan beliefs. And I wouldn't contest the fact that she made a point somehow, but, what she said didn't stop me from enjoying the camarederie that 'Halloween' brings.

Here in the Philippines, Halloween is first and foremost, a legal holiday! :) And holidays translate to quality family time. Every October 31st to November 1st, throngs of families go to the cemeteries where their deceased loved ones are. Most of them stay there for almost the whole day to remember their family member that has passed on, and to spend some time with other relatives who are also visiting. I personally think there's nothing 'pagan' about the tradition. :) Families get to bond and remember good souls that have been part of their life. :)

Although of course, Halloween parties with ghouls, witches, and monsters are inevitable. We're too Westernized (in some aspects of our culture) that we just can't help but have our own version of the Halloween event too. Trick or treating here is usually a commercial event, mostly done in malls,  rather than a community event. Save maybe in some exclusive villages where this 'tradition' is observed.

I don't have ANY memory at all of going trick or treating anywhere, and somehow, I think it's quite alright because a lot of people in my generation and those before me, never experienced it either. However, now that children are more exposed to media and all those Halloween 'pluggings', with moms being more into social events, and with social networking sites flooded with people going 'Halloweening' somewhere... you just can't help but want to be part of all the fun. :)

This year, we didn't have Keisha participate in any Halloween event just yet. I know a lot of moms just adore seeing their kids in a Halloween costume, and trust me, I do too. :) It's just that I prefer that she be part of those kinds of events when she's already at that age when she would be able to enjoy it more... Maybe next year, or the year after that. Hehe.

But we did take the opportunity to get to spend some quality time with our families. We went out to have dinner with my dad and my brothers:

Dinner at David's Tea House

My princess checking out the candies I bought for her. :)

My pretty little chicken. Hahahaha!

Having some bubble fun! :)

No trick or treating, no Halloween party... but it was the best 'Undas' so far. :) Nothing else can make any event special the way spending time with family does. :)

Now next year might be a different story...and I just might get the little one her own Halloween costume! Yey!  :D

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