When I think of Time Management
When I think of time management? I get a headache. :)
Kidding aside though, time management is really a challenge for me. Ever since I started schooling, I have struggled to finish my assignments a few hours before class starts. I think I may be an adrenaline junkie! :) Although I do get away with it, I mean I still get good results... Cramming is not really a great habit. It takes time away from more important, or in some cases, more fun things to do.
So, this would not be a blog on how to manage your time. I am obviously not one to preach about it. Hehe.
But I do know it's important, and that it would benefit me greatly. Now if only I can manage the 'how' part of it... :)
I work flexi-time from home, with a goal of 40 hours per week. Sounds easy, eh? No. Well for me, not really. Working 8 hours, every day, when you're working from home with a 'demanding' husband and a cute and makulit tot, it's really not as easy as I want it to be.
When you work in an office setting, all you really do is, well, work. There may be distractions, but it's not like you can actually give in to them when you want to. Hehe. I used to work in a call center, and that environment does not encourage distractions. And even if you do get distracted, the best you can do, is just zone out, but you really can't just stop working.
Now that I'm working from home, I realized how much of a relief (and a burden sometimes), being a flexi-time worker is. I can stop and pause when I want to, go out to shop, go out with my family, go do things I want, whenever I want to.
I feel the urge to go out and shop really often, but that's one I make sure I don't give in to. Because even though we may have money to spend, I really wouldn't want to spend it all on my 'urge'. :)
It's really the 'minor' distractions that kills my timeline. Cooking lunch, Facebook-ing, digi-scrapping, watching TV, grabbing a snack, playing with Keisha (not really minor. :) I'd stop ANYTHING for her.) .... And well, I realize that, heck, I still have hours to do before the workweek ends!
So anyway, this last Tuesday to Friday, I tried to work 8 hours a day, and triumph over most of my distractions. And I think I did kind of good! :) I only have 8 more hours to burn til early Monday morning. Unlike my past few weekends, I had to work like crazy over the weekend because I slacked off the entire week. All my fault though.
So there. Time management is key! And having said that....let me burn the remaining hours. Now. :)
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